Thursday, 18 August 2011

Why Design

Why I want to be an industrial designer.
The design industry is one of the most important existing industries as it impacts our everyday lives and the way we live. From the moment I began reading and following design magazines such as Real Living and Indesign Magazine I was strongly motivated to pursue a career in design. Originally i wanted to entre the field of interior design and architecture and after seeing the design courses UNSW had to offer and researching each one I was further motivated pursue a career in the design industry. Everything we use throughout our daily routine, ranging from furniture to hand tools to packaging and so on, has, at some stage of its production, been designed the way it is for a specific purpose. The importance of this industry is evident as every product we use in our lives, from the smallest toothpick to the greatest car, requires an industrial designer within the process of manufacturing to determine what the product will look like and how it will function. I choose to become an industrial designer for the main reason that I want to provide people with products that function to meet their needs and wants while delivering a high level of pleasure when used. Designing products includes a huge amount of risk taking as every person has their own perception of what a good design is and what is must look like. This is further motivation for me to become a designer as I am able to express my concepts and see them grow and come to life through my products, however, even though there is a huge risk of people not liking your product if the product is received positively the reward is hugely uplifting. The future on industrial design is very bright as new products are constantly up and coming and designers constantly seek to make life better for consumers through more pleasurable and better functional products. Through choosing to become a designer I have certainly secured myself a future full of work as this industry will never fade as long as mankind is living. Furthermore after studying industrial designers such as Arne Jacobsen and Philippe Starck, in semester 1, and seeing the great work they have achieved within their careers and the huge success their products have become I am more driven to become a designer. I am motivated by my want to create beautiful products, such as those that Jacobsen and Starck, and for those products to become beautiful classical pieces within our design history that serve their purpose in a pleasurable and beautiful way. Finally I want to become an industrial designer as they change the world and make it a better place through their products and I strive to be part of an industry that does so.  

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